The Animal Farm Foundation Crew!

Ashley and her handsome boy, Abe - an amazing ambassador for the Pit Bulls!

This is Bonnie, minding the AFF donations, and YES, this beautiful pup is AVAILABLE! You can fill out an application for her HERE

This amazing girl was walking around collecting money for Laborador Retriever Rescue. She was soooo sweet... can you see how proud she is? Seriously, it was as if those dollar bills inside the basket were her pups or something.... she was so proud of them.

Another one of my favorite rescues in the area is Russell Refuge, of Rhinebeck, NY with all their adorable Jack Russell Terriers.

One of the Dock Diving dogs from Ledgewood Kennels -- Look at that FORM! :-)

The miniscule eggs in the far top right of this incubator hatch the TINIEST little birds... and being in the CHICKEN area, I was under the impression they were chickens too, but for the life of me, couldn't figure out what the heck would be 1/4 the size of a tiny bantam chick! They were so small they had marbles in their waterers to prevent them from drowning! It turns out, they are NOT chickens, they're quail! Very cute little guys, none the less.

A very cute miniature horse and her foal:

I always feel sorry for Elephants at places like this though...

I'm going to end this post with Mr. Camel.
Okay, so this sweet guy... OMG... He was in the petting zoo area, in the center, with goats and sheep all around the perimeter of his little area, so he had to reach his long neck over them to try and get fed, BUT, nobody was feeding him. Why? Because they all thought he was MEAN and would SPIT on them. He was getting increasingly depressed and hurt, swaying back and forth as the crowds continued to demonize him. Feeling badly, Tia and I fed him. We found him to be woefully misunderstood and quite the contrary, very sweet and appreciative ... SO, we convinced a bunch of the folks he was sweet and gentle and made sure they all fed him too, before we left.