Iggy's Story:
My best guess is that Iggy is a Pit Bull, Mastiff and American Bulldog mix, with perhaps a smattering of Dogo Argentino. His parents were picked up by Dog Control off the streets of Manhattan. His dad was euthanized immediately, which unfortunately, is not uncommon for dogs that fall under the category, Pit Bull, or Pit Bull cross … His pregnant mom, China, was spared. Fortunately, after she gave birth to her pups, they were all taken in by a Pit Bull Rescue group.
We first learned about Iggy through the Pit Bull Rescue’s website. After completing their adoption application we waited patiently and watched him grow through the photographs that were updated online every week. Iggy remained our favorite in the pictures, and when the pups were 8 weeks old, all the potential adopters gathered to meet them at the official, “puppy party.” We fell in love with him immediately – the biggest and mushiest of them all, Iggy was even cuter in real life. A week later, he was delivered to our house for a “house check,” we passed, he stayed, and the most amazing human – dog bonds ever, began to form.
Iggy quickly grew to be my full time, and official “co-pilot” and super model extraordinaire... His dashing good looks coupled with and his stoic, kind, tolerant, understanding and comical nature, are what inspired me to become an advocate for Pit Bulls and ultimately, to start a pet photography business.
Iggy loves to play with his humans companions, his 3 dog siblings, Taiho, Zoey and Maya, the cat that raised (brainwashed) him, Lukas, and his other cat friend, Jengo. He works hard on the family farm, protecting the chickens from predators and the field, from…. crows? (well, sometimes he takes his job a little too far!)
Today, January 6th 2009, Iggy turns 4 years old. I want to thank him for everything he’s brought to our lives. For the special “Iggy moments” he shares with us all, where he stands up and hugs us and looks DEEP into our eyes until our souls connect…. For the huge effort he puts into communicating his thoughts at all times, through his countless facial expressions, his yodeling, demand barking, subtle gestures, and kisses…. For the games he plays with his 9 year old human sister and her friends, or for how he patiently stands guard by them when they play outside…. For how he tries to save them when they’re swimming, even if they don’t need saving…. For how he places his hand around his mom’s shoulder and his cheek against hers, when they go out for their daily adventures in the car, and for just plain being Iggy.
Happy Birthday Iggy!