A couple of weeks ago I became a member of a non-profit organization called Greener Photography. I was thrilled to find this org, as my husband and I are both huge advocates for the environment and work hard to incorporate sustainable practices into all aspects of our lives.
After joining Greener photography, I found a photographer,
Lin Photographer from the West Coast listed as a pet photographer. I was so impressed with the work she does for shelters, and her emphasis on giving back, that I am going to follow her lead and will be doing the same for shelters in my area, as I truly believe you can't give enough to homeless animals! Thank you Lin Photography!
I added a new section to my site entitled Giving Back, which can be found in the Details section.
Giving Back to the Environment...I have been influenced greatly by my mother, Noriko Yamamoto Prince. She is Japanese, and an artist as well. She and my grandfather taught me the most about respecting Nature and animals and truly understanding the fact that everything~is~connected and that all of the most important lessons we have to learn are found in Nature.
I always consider the consequences of my actions on the environment, and naturally, this includes my daily workflow. I seek out paper with a high post consumer recycled content whenever possible. When choosing vendors, I consider the sustainability of their business practices and whenever possible, I work with people from within my local community. I am careful not to create excessive waste, and work hard to close the loop wherever possible by consuming less, and recycling more.
Giving Back to the Animal Community!
It has always been important to me that whatever I do helps to make the world a better place. I donate my time and services to Animal Farm Foundation, Ulster County SPCA, the Good Dog Foundation and Safe Haven Animal Farm. I photograph their dogs, horses, chickens, goats, sheep, ETC., and have donated my services for their fundraisers.
If you adopt a pet from Animal Farm or UCSPCA and then book a photo session with me, I in turn, will donate 10% of your complete order back to that shelter. I strongly believe in helping out the local animal community and always, giving back.
Giving Back to others who are doing the same... Attention Rescue Groups! My business was born from the volunteer work I did for the Animal Farm Foundation. If you run a rescue and feel professional photos of your animals would help them to find homes, or you with your mission, please contact me at princeli@optonline.net and I’ll see what I can do to help. The least I can do is provide a free photo session and some high resolution digital images for you to use for your promotional materials and website.
For What YOU can do, visit Lisa & her huband George's website: