2009 has been a fabulous year for us at Printz Photography and I'd like to thank all of our friends and clients, as it wouldn't have been possible without you!
My hope was to test out my new 5D Mark II during the much anticipated SNOW STORM we were SUPPOSED to get this past Sunday and post those photograph here..... but..... the storm decided to veer around Dutchess County, New York, completely... and while people South of us received between 8" and 20" of the fluffy white stuff, we received ZERO.
Therefore, I will post this picture I took on Sunday instead. My two babies, chillin' in my bed, after a day of baking Holiday cookies...
Happy Holidays all... and best wishes for a 2010 that brings you all that you wish for, and brings you closer than ever before, to your heart. Cheers! (double click to see image in full size)